
Rating Today’s Business Buyers

By bbpadmin | November 4, 2015

Once the decision to sell has been made, the business owner should be aware of the variety of possible business buyers. Just as small business itself has become more sophisticated, the people interested in buying them have also become more divergent and complex. The following are some of today’s most active categories of business buyers:…

Are you a “Baby Boomer” Business Owner?

By bbpadmin | November 3, 2015

What is so special about “Baby Boomer” business owners?  Well, there are a lot of them.  It is estimated 52 percent of businesses are owned by people between 50 and 88 years of age. This equates to 9 million businesses in the United States. Put it another way, a business owner is turning 65 every…

A Buyer’s Quandary

By bbpadmin | October 21, 2015

Statistics reveal that out of about 15 would-be business buyers, only one will actually buy a business. It is important that potential sellers be knowledgeable on what buyers go through to actually become business owners. This is especially true for those who have started their own business or have forgotten what they went thorough prior…

Why Your Company Needs a Physical

By bbpadmin | October 7, 2015

Many executives of both public and private firms get a physical check-up once a year. Many of these same executives think nothing of having their investments checked over at least once a year – probably more often. Yet, these same prudent executives never consider giving their company an annual physical, unless they are required to…

Smart Watch New Version

By bbpadmin | October 6, 2015

Vestibulum eu ante odio, in laoreet odio. Sed facilisis erat eget nunc porta ac dictum erat pharetra. Cras cursus rhoncus ante quis gravida. Sed pellentesque libero nec purus mattis semper. Cras et lectus consequat, lobortis massa sit amet, dignissim nisl. Aenean id ornare nisl. Aliquam efficitur vestibulum erat nec semper. Nam a tempor arcu, in…

Should You Be Selling Your Company…Now?

By bbpadmin | August 18, 2015

The answer to the question asked in the title is, “It all depends!” There are all sorts of studies, surveys and the like suggesting that as more and more “baby-boomers” reach retirement age, the market will be flooded with companies for sale. The consensus is that with these privately-held company owners reaching and nearing retirement…

2015 New Smartphones Review

By bbpadmin | August 9, 2015

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit.recusandae. Vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt…

How Does Your Business Compare?

By bbpadmin | June 24, 2015

When considering the value of your company, there are basic value drivers. While it is difficult to place a specific value on them, one can take a look and make a “ballpark” judgment on each. How does your company look? Value Driver Low Medium High Business Type Little Demand Some Demand High Demand Business Growth…

How Does Your Business Compare?

By bbpadmin | June 24, 2015

When considering the value of your company, there are basic value drivers. While it is difficult to place a specific value on them, one can take a look and make a “ballpark” judgment on each. How does your company look? Value Driver Low Medium High Business Type Little Demand Some Demand High Demand Business Growth…

The Confidentiality Agreement

By bbpadmin | June 9, 2015

When considering selling their companies, many owners become paranoid regarding the issue of confidentiality. They don’t want anyone to know the company is for sale, but at the same time, they want the highest price possible in the shortest period of time. This means, of course, that the company must be presented to quite a…